Knights of Columbus 6197
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Knights of Columbus Council 6197


Who are the Folsom Knights of Columbus? We are a brotherhood of Catholic men who strive to live a life devoted to our Lord Jesus Christ and defend the Catholic Church and the teachings He entrusted her with. We believe in worshiping God with all of our hearts, providing service to others, protecting the vulnerable, and spreading the good news of eternal salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.

We are aided in accomplishing this by adhering to the principles of our Order:

  • Charity: as followers of Christ, we seek to care for those in need and demonstrate the love that Christ showed us.
  • Unity: as a unit we operate as a team and support each other in all of our endeavors and accomplish more than we could alone.
  • Fraternity: as a brotherhood, we strengthen each other in our faith and in our lives.
  • Patriotism: as patriots, we recognize authority comes from God and hold it our duty to uphold just laws and support our leaders.

The Folsom chapter of the order supports St. John the Baptist Catholic Parish and the surrounding Folsom community. We participate in various charitable activities throughout the area and at the parish. If you are a Catholic man in good standing with the Church and interested in joining our council [CLICK HERE].
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